12 thoughts on “Prayer Times

  1. Assalamuaalaikum, the prayer time calendar says that jumuah khutbah time starts at 1:30 all year but on the site it says 1pm for first jumuah.
    Which is the correct time?
    jazakAllahu Khairan.

    1. wa alaykoum assalam. Jummahs used to be at 130pm and 230pm (during summer) and 1230pm and 130pm (during winter) but this was changed (in 2023) to 1pm and 230pm (in summer) and 12pm and 130pm (during winter) and will remain as such for the foreseeable future. may Allah bless you.

  2. السلام عليكم. Will there be Salat Al Kusuf for the eclipse inshallah at this masjid? Jazakallah Khair

  3. As aluminum brother just wondering what time is Eid prayer and why it’s not on your website.
    Thank you

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